Is This True?
1. People say a first love is never fulfilled. Why do they believe that? What is so special about a "first love" that makes it such an impossible delusion? What about you-do you think it is true? Why or why not?
2. According to an old saying, there is no dutiful son in the face of his parents' long, hard-to-cure disease. By extension, this applies to a spouse as well. Do you believe this top be true? Or are you critical of those who think so?
3. People believe appearance is more important than character. If you dress up it will make a better impression on other folks than if you dress casually. If you drive a sedan, you will get better service at a hotel than if you drive a compact. And so on. Do you agree?
4. Money talks. People who have a lot of it generally find it easier to gain social advantage than those who are poor. Right? That is why it is said, "Money can do everything" and even, "Money is everything." Money can buy everything even love. Do you agree?
5. Do you believe the old saying, "Easy come, easy go"? It means that something that is easy to obtain is not easy to hold on to. If so, why? IF not, why not?
6. A lot of people still seem to think sons are more important than daughters. This idea goes way back in time to when sons brought humor and income to the family, and carried on the family name, while daughters meant a lot of expense but no permanent investment since she went off eventually to some other family. Do you think so too?