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Lesson 30 Business --- TELEPHONE CONVERSATION 5
Scott:               Question.  Um, you know, this is what I’ve been gathering.  And, I think this is one of the ultimate questions that every would-be Internet marketer, information product developer is going to have and they start realizing it.  And it almost seems mysterious and guarded, but Dave, without holding anything back, come on, man, spill the beans, “How do you build an ‘opt-in’ list?”  

Dave:               Okay.  I’m going to share with you probably secrets that I have never told anyone else.  Okay?

Scott:               ...ok...

Dave:               No one has…I don’t think anybody really has an Internet business until they have an ‘opt-in list.’  Here’s how you go out about building one.  

                      Number One:  You have to develop a product, this is an information product.  What I’m really talking about is developing an ezine or a newsletter that you’re going to be delivering online or through email to a base of subscribers that you are going to build.  You are not going to be able to build your ‘opt-in’ list, until you have a product, an ezine…I’m using product and ezine interchangeably here.

Scott:               Oh...ok...

Dave:               Because this has…Your ezine has to be SO good.  It has to be so well tuned to your market that people are going to want to get it.  And, they have to give you their email address, and preferably their name, as well, in order for you to start building your ‘opt-in list.’ Okay?

Scott:               Yes…

Dave:               When people go to your website, and you’ve seen this happen not just on you’re website, but on hundreds of thousands of websites across the Internet, there is a little box that says, “Fill in your name and your email address, and I’ll send you my newsletter or I’ll send you an update about a product or a service on the Internet that I’ve found, or an update to my website, or whatever.”  That is the worst way possible to get people to get people to subscribe to your ezine and to get in to your opt-in list.  Why should anybody sign up for that?  You have to really think about this now.  Think about your favorite product or service on the Internet.  You went there, and you said if it had a great headline that had immediately targeting you as a potential customer for their product or service, they described their product or service in such detail and in such glowing terms that you felt like you just had to have it.  That’s the exact same way that you have to entice people to sign up for your ezine.  Most people are doing it completely wrong.  You have to develop your ezine just like it was a product that you are going to sell for money.  And, when people go to your website and you have a great headline, it really targets them and makes it stand out and they say, “Wow.  I’ve gotta really pay attention to this guy, because he’s talking to me,” and you describe all the great benefits of this particular ezine that you are developing, it’s going to be a “no brainer” for people to sign up for it.  When they get down to the bottom of your webpage and they find out it’s FREE, they are going to jump on it and you are going to get opt-in subscribers like you would not believe.  

Here’s how most people go about it… they put a little box up with their name for visitors to fill out their names and email addresses, they get 100 visitors and they get maybe one person to sign up.

Scott:               Yeah, that’s true...

Dave:               And, that’s a terrible way to go about building your ezine subscriber base and your opt-in list, because it will take you forever to do it.  Instead, start thinking of your ezine as a “product”.  Get a good headline developed for it.  
Create hard hitting sales copy, and boy, I’ll tell you, you will convert rather than 1 out of 100 visitors to your ezine, you’ll start to see 30 people, 40 people, even 50 people to your ezines for every 100 visitors.  

Scott:               Wow.. I never thought about that.

Dave:               That’s how you develop the POWER of an opt-in list.

Scott:               So, when you say “sales copy” you’re talking about what your website is talking about what you’re writing.  Right?

Dave:               Absolutely.

Scott:               Oh, okay.

Dave:               A lot of people, they’ve gone to websites and they’ve seen direct style, direct sales site websites, such as www.WebCopyPro.com or Marlon’s www.AmazingFormula.com or a number of different products that are sold, you know, for good money $27, $57, $97 over the Internet.  I’m saying that’s exactly the formula that you need to use, exactly the same style website….except your “product” is your ezine which is free. Because you have to ‘sell your ezine even if it’s free’. Do you see what I mean?

Scott:               Yes… I think I’m getting it!

Dave:               …in order to get people to sign-up for your ezine you have to make it so attractive for them, that they cannot say, “No.”  

Scott:               Okay.

Dave:               They cannot say, “No.”  They get down to the bottom and they can’t believe that it’s free!  When they get down to the bottom of your sales letter, then people will just jump all over themselves to sign-up for it.

Scott:               Yep.

Dave:               That’s how you build an ezine and an opt-in list very, very quickly. But more important than a large list is a very responsive list, which we haven’t even talked about yet. Because when you start to market your ezine in this way you’ll have a highly responsive list, not just more sign-ups, they will and test prove it , they wll be much more responsive to your offers.What no one else will ever tell you is that you can make great money from even a very small list using this method. And I’m talking “small” like a few hundred or less. I have one list, at one time that is like only155 people on this list and in one month, with just one offer, I made over $11,000 in just 6 days. So you do not need a big list… but you do need a list to make money on the Internet. Just imagine with a handful of small niche lists like this what it can mean for your income. That’s how you go from job, working for someone else, to working for yourself and making it into a full-time income online. I hope we get a chance, you know, I hope we do talk about offers and content for you ezine because after you get all this working you have to have content and offers. That is the key to this whole thingOh...ok.....the key to making money.

  Scott:             Dave that is incredible info!


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